We Will Be In Touch Shortly.

We look forward to supporting YOU.

Need Immediate Advice? Book a one hour, private video consultation.

Professional advice from Marla Brock, RCIC (R521248). $200 for one hour.

Prefer A Group Session?

Join a JAM (Just-Ask-Marla) online session.  Have your question answered and listen to Marla advise other clients around the world.  $25 per session.

Need immediate help?

We are in the Pacific Time Zone (Vancouver, Canada) and can be reached during normal business hours.

Call or Text: 604-239-0202

Common Client Questions

Marla can only provide immigration advice to clients. You can become a client by booking a 1-on-1 consultation or by joining a JAM session.

During the pandemic, Marla is not doing in-person meetings.  However, if you have documents to drop-off, we will arrange to pick them up or meet you in a safe environment.

Marla Brock is the lead immigration consultant and will be responsible for all of your paperwork. Marla is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant and an American Lawyer. Her license number is R521248,

Each application stream has its own timelines.  Immigration Canada's processing timelines are listed here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/check-processing-times.html

Absolutely. We will review your prior filing and advise on what we might be able to improve. Never give up.